Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Playing a game that is not fun.

Every day I find myself playing games that are not fun. I don't play these games voluntarily, I just find myself playing them. Today I played the awful game of "what's that on the toilet seat?" This game is definitely not fun. In public I usually just go find another toilet because even if I pile up three hundred sheets of toilet paper I can't help but feel that the bizarre stain is still going to infect me (I'm pretty sure stains are not infectious). The game is even worse when you play it at home because if you don't live alone you have to not only play the what's that part, but the who did it part. My biggest fear is that it was me, though I always try to check to make sure I leave it spotless, I have a weird paranoia about things like that. The game is not always easy to play, today's thing was in a very odd spot. Other games that are not fun that I have played include: what's that on the floor, who made that noise, why do I sweat so much, where did this blood stain come from, what day is it, and, my least favorite, is that water or urine.

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