Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Movie Preview: King of California

So here's my first movie preview and its on the movie King of California starring Michael Douglas and he has a beard. I had never heard of this film so I looked it up and saw the movie poster which feature some girl, Michael Douglas, and a beard. I feel that this is a movie that should be seen and I base that on a mathematical equation: Michael Douglas + Beard = a movie worth seeing. Michael Douglas does better when he doesn't look like Michael Douglas. All his best films: Romancing the Stone, Falling Down, Wall Street, Wonder Boys, he has some kind of weird hair cut, or long hair, or a beard. To me that means that King of California will follow in those footsteps. I have no idea what the plot is but I think its about a man who has a beard and that beard takes him on some kind of voyage where he discovers that his beard is the secret to living a successful life and he should keep it forever. So go see King of California, its approved for my private bathroom.


  1. What do you think of that Blindside movie? Jay has been making fun of me because I keep saying that it must be bad because they are advertising the hell out of it.

  2. If Sandra Bullock is in it then I would NEVER see it.
