They definitely don't need it, but they want it and get it. Stupid babies are all around us, getting attention and succeeding at life while the rest of us smart babies gush all over them. There are a lot of people out there that claim the keys to success are hard work, being motivated, positive thinking, and never giving up. What a load of bullshit. I, for one, am tired of hearing these falsities. I am not afraid of the truth and the truth is on it's way. Here are the keys to success in our world of stupid babies.
1) Be as attractive as possible.
Seriously, attractive people just have it easier. Everyone wants to know them, everyone wants to be around them, they do next to nothing and reap all of the benefits. How many attractive people fall ass backwards into jobs, and than claim they worked so hard. I'd say 100%. There is no denying that we live in a messed up world. There are constantly stories in the news about mothers killing their children, recently I heard one put her baby in a microwave, but these stories never go nation. Currently Casey Anthony is on trial for the murder of her daughter and I think you have to go to Mars to get away from this story. Casey Anthony is a hot chick party girl that seems very easy and the media is obsessed with her.

Happy 4th of July! I'm a stupid baby.
2) School is for losers.
Seriously, higher education is probably the biggest waste of time and money ever created. There's really nothing more I need to say. Smart babies waste thousands of dollars on the multiple degrees they need to earn in order to get some crap ass job that pays just above the poverty level. Higher education is a huge lie created by stupid babies to get smart babies to waste money on something they care about. The only way to succeed is to care about nothing but yourself. Vanity will get you everywhere.

Look at this college grad, he's going places. Of course he's going places, just look at him. I'll tell you where he's not going, jail for date rape, unlike this unlucky fellow.

That's a shocker.
3) Care about nothing.
I already touched on this one, but the only thing you should be passionate about is drinking and the gym. Don't care, and not in the I don't care way, but more like the I don't have a clue way. People who are clueless are cute. There's nothing worse than someone who has morals, standards, passions, beliefs, or anything that will cause them to sound intelligent about something. Stop caring, go to the gym, and get a $300,000 dollar a year job with your Dad's best friend's company. Good thing you went to college.

Here's another picture of Casey Anthony. I think this is when she was trying to find her daughter or something. I really wasn't paying attention.
Once again I have no way to end this. I once uploaded a picture of Gary Busy to a post and go a lot of hits based on that. So...

I came for a picture of Gary Busey and was thrilled to see a firefighter as well! Top notch post!