At least this guy was cool enough to think of this in 2004, or possibly 2003.
Every asshole has a blog these days, and each blog sucks more than the next. I'm pretty sure that my blog sucks most of all, and if you judge the validity of a blog by the number of posts than the one post I did in 2010 should be obvious evidence of my suckiness. It also took me a year and a half to discover how many views I have, fifty. However, that does include my own personal views so it's probably more like twenty-five. Yes, I am getting an F, F+ tops, in blog quality, and I never even got an email from someone who was looking for information about private bathrooms. I figured those emails would be flooding my inbox. Below is a cartoon representation of my blog.

Basically, I'm not even sure why I started this stupid blog. I think it was designed to make me feel better about myself, and I'm lost on why I fell for my own stupid logic. Of all the logic in the world mine is definitely the worst, anyone who has talked to me for at least five seconds will tell you that. The truth is that I'm a sub par writer, I know nothing of logic, and would have a hard time generating interest in a rickshaw fire. Immanuel Kant would turn over in his grave if he heard my explanation of where the Sublime lies.
For those of you not keeping up this is Immanuel Kant

And this is Sublime

Every day someone starts a terrible blog filled with their terrible ideas and bad writing. Everyone has a story, but probably only 1% of those stories are worth hearing. Why are there vampires, zombies, aliens, and other obviously fictional things all over the place? These are completely fictitious creations and a hell of a lot more interesting than anything I, or anyone I know, has ever done.
Here's someone I know, sorry.

I obviously write this blog because I care. I want people to read it. I want the attention. I don't want to call myself an attention whore, but I can't think of a better way to finish that sentence. At this point I'm not sure why I started this post. I guess I would say I hate all the other blogs out there, but I've only ever read like one blog and it was pretty good. The fact of the matter is that the problem is not with the blog, but with the blogger. Why should the private bathroom suffer from having a bad owner? I am willing to hear offers from anyone who wants to purchase the private bathroom. If I can't sell it then the terribleness will have to continue. On the bright side, how bad can it be, I'm sure worse things have happened in a bathroom.
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ReplyDeleteI too am guilty of a bad blog. I figure, however, that I can read all my stupid rantings, and venting when I am in the throes of dementia in 60-70 years and be glad that I don't remember my boring life.
ReplyDeleteYou're really good at beating yourself up.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why Jen removed her comment.