Friday, October 2, 2009

One follower and counting

I would like to apologize to my one follower who has to click yes to the terms and agreements to view my blog. I wasn't sure about the adult content option and figured that using the word "fuck" would mean my blog had adult content. However, you can say the word "fuck" in PG-13 movies, and have been able to for awhile. I remember watching the movie Angus and at the end the title character makes a speech where he says if the cool kids don't accept him they can go fuck themselves or something like that. That use of fuck is acceptable. I guess you can say fuck you, but not I want to fuck you because that would be a sexual use of fuck and that is a huge no no in teenage movies in America. My question is why are people so worried about children using curse words when they have no problem with children misusing thousands of regular words. Even I fail to use words correctly from time to time (shocking I know). The point I am trying to make is that the vocabulary of the citizens of this country is shrinking and the beautiful words that are dying are being replaced with gobbily gook that is only acceptable if the person saying them is a stroke victim. The question is, do I lessen the value of speech by using words like fuck, shit, piss, and so on? I feel that I am not part of the problem, but I am not part of the solution. You will not find any rich vocabulary in this blog, and if you do I probably did it on accident.

I just learned you can't indent in a blog. I hit tab like three times and finally realized it was always going to take me to the label option and not indent my paragraph. Fucking blogs man. Anyway, I have one follower now and I am really shocked that I got that many followers in less that one day. I figured I'd be sitting on zero for a few weeks at least. I'll keep trying to make my blog more attractive, but it won't work because there is nothing attractive about The Private Bathroom.